Academic Photo shoot
2. the fish in the bag
3. the subject is clear because it is highlighted in the lower left corner of the photo
4. The subject is clear, but to make it even clearer I could have made it less busy in the background
1. simplicity and lines
2. the plant in the ecocolumn
3. The subject could be confused because it isn't highlighted very well
4. I could have tried taking the photo at a different angle to highlight the subject more clearly
1. lines
2. the boys reaction to life in these soda bottles
3. the subject may appear unclear to some because the boy doesn't stand out against the plants much
4. I could have utilized rule of thirds for the boys face to highlight him as the subject
1. rule of thirds
2. the ecocolumn of dirt and fruit
3. The subject is clear because it is placed in the lower left corner which highlights it as the subject
4. To make the subject even clearer I could have made a less busy background
1. balance
2. the fish
3. The subject is clear because the fish is in focus while the girl and the background are not
4. I could have gotten closer to the fish to highlight it more as the subject
Your pictures are amazing! I love the way you captured the reactions of the students when observing the ecosystems. The only thing I would change are the slightly busy backgrounds, but other than that, these photos are awesome.